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meet siggi’s
(and Siggi)

From the beginning, we’ve been looking for something simpler.

discover why
siggi with yogurt product
hey. it’s nice to meet you.

we started making  siggi's Icelandic yogurt - About Us Image 5  yogurt for people who expect more, and want less.

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meet siggi’s

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we began with a simple goal…

siggi’s began in 2005 when Siggi Hilmarsson felt homesick for a staple of his childhood diet: skyr. It’s a thick, creamy, high-protein yogurt from his native Iceland. The yogurts he found on shelves in the U.S. were much too sweet and artificial tasting for his liking. So, he started making skyr in his New York apartment with a recipe his mother sent him.

yogurt container with berries in and around it

meet siggi’s

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…and we’ve stuck to it.

Siggi loved that recipe, and so did others. So, he started selling it at the farmer’s market. Soon after that, he quit his day job. Since then, we’ve kept making more simple and delicious products.

our promise

we’re on a mission  siggi's Icelandic yogurt - About Us Image 7  to show people there’s freedom in simplicity.

what is skyr?

Skyr is a traditional Icelandic staple. It’s made in a similar way to yogurt, but requires approximately four times the milk. The straining process creates an end product that has a thicker, creamier texture than other yogurts, despite the nonfat nature of the milk.

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strive for simplicity

We’re on a mission to help people find freedom in simplicity, both in their food, and in their daily lives. small, positive actions combine to create big differences starting with mindful eating and simple self care.

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we’re right around the corner.

Pick up our products in a store near you.

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