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live simply

We try to keep things simple, whether that’s your skyr or your life.

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siggi's Icelandic yogurt - Live Simply Image 5
less sets you free

we were founded on the belief that fewer ingredients made a better product. we’ve come to find that’s true for more than just yogurt.

movement matters

We love protein, but we aren’t all weight lifting fanatics. We think that how you move matters less than just moving.

illustration of running shoes, gym bag, bottle, kettle bell and siggi's protein pack

take a deep breath

Life is stressful – but you’ll be surprised by how much simpler it gets when you slow down.

illustration of siggi's yogurt and journaling items

make more with less

Protein packed skyr makes for more than just a snack. Try incorporating it into your everyday cooking with these simple recipes.

illustration of siggi's whole milk yogurt, mixing bowl and measuring cup

living simply, one step at a time

Wellness comes in many forms, whether you’re focusing on nutrition, going on a head-clearing hike, or taking time to recharge. If you need some guidance on how to get started, check out our free resources.

illustration of siggi's drinkable yogurt and school bag

it’s the simple steps

Whether you’re training, recharging, or refueling, you can count on siggi’s to support your wellness journey.

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